Story by Emily Duke
Photo by Larry Fagbemi
TA: Kate Hill
Passing AGJ 3210 is very easy when you just apply yourself. The first step is making sure you go to class. This is the easiest thing you can do to help your grade. It may be difficult to motivate yourself to go at times, especially if you take it in the spring and it gets towards the end of the semester. Professor Bill Allen is the instructor and constantly reminds you how nice it is outside and how nice it was that you showed up. It seems as though sometimes maybe he would like everyone to not show up because he himself would rather be outside or watching the Cardinals play baseball.
Another step in passing AgJ 3210 is learning to omit needless words and what Bill calls death words. This simply means that you are no longer allowed to use every word you have ever used to take up space in your paper. You must actually think and read a paper before you turn it in now. Bill feels very strongly about this so be prepared for the day when he takes off his shirt, channeling his inner Chuck Norris (his hero) and tells you to omit needless words.
This is a great photo/story combo, plus the topic is creative. The photo was a great idea. Chuck Norris would be proud!
This comment is awesome! It is accurate and funny! The picture is brilliant. It made Chuck Norris Laugh. Do I need to say more?!
awesome picture, awesome article
I must say, in the early running this item is getting the best comments. They express a sense of humor Chuck would be proud of. This is likely to influence the judge.
"Chuck Norris does not use spell check. If he happens to misspell a word, Oxford will simply change the actual spelling of it."
Nice post, guys. I dig the picture and Chuck reference.
There are a number of ways to pass this class… One must indeed, always come to class to utilize every unique opportunity to absorb the very famous Bill Allen’s great teaching no matter how tragic the accident or unique the excuse. In order to pass the class one must clearly be dedicated and never use a number of obvious “death words.”
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