TA:Bryan Wendell
Trying to study for finals week…. riiiiight….
I had plans this weekend to study, but somehow that just didn’t happen.
I feel like I did everything BUT study… I woke up on Saturday, determined to crack open my books, but the dishes in the sink were dirty, and then I needed to unload and load the dishwasher. After that I realized that I needed to go to Wal-Mart because I forgot to get contact solution from the night before. I finally got home, and I was really determined to study, but I needed to check my gmail and FACEBOOK! So after some facebook stalking and returning emails, it was time for the game and dinner with my roommates. By the end of Saturday I had nothing accomplished but a clean kitchen, and five new friends on facebook.
Sunday rolls around, after listening to the party upstairs most of the night – I slept in until 2pm. I thought to myself, I really need to study for accounting and economics, but in order to look at the study guides online -- I had to check my gmail and facebook again. This only took two hours. Well, then it was time for lunch, and then laundry. Before too long it was dinner-time again, and I continued on my cycle of procrastination.
Maybe this year I will finally study before my finals… but so far it’s looking very doubtful.
Imaginative, honest, with a delightful sense of humor and universality. Did I see a Death Word in there ("In order")? Also, you seem to have left out how you broke through your procrastination to read the three articles on blogging vs. journalism before this class.
I had very little time to write this, and no time to check the death word list. I tried the best that I could...
Especially with the deadline pressure I think this one is great! By far the best!
You did great under the deadline pressure, Sasha. No doubt about it.
This is a great blog, highly extra credit worthy!
I think this should win the 2 extra credit points
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