Written by Renee Henry
Photograph taken by Tamika Jackson
TA: Andrell Bower
I thought my senior year would be the most exciting year of my college life. The first three years here at Mizzou were great- fun atmosphere, great sports, getting to sleep in. But come my fourth year of simple living and final exams, I look forward to graduating.
Senioritis hit me hard in high school. I could have cared less what I looked like, homework didn’t phase me and the fact that college was right around the corner was all I could think about. Four years later, the doldrums have hit again.
Here I am, 22 years old and sharing a bathroom with two other people. I sleep in a twin bed and eat ramen noodles for dinner. You would think being an adult would mean you have privacy and eat well-balanced meals; it doesn’t.
Despite the fact that I can drink in bars now, college life is not as fun as it once was. Talking with my friends, I find that I’m not the only one. It’s ironic that senior year is full of projects, because we have no desire to work on them. Motivation is at an all time low and tailgating is our main priority.
These last few months of class have been torturing. Pajamas are a must and coffee has become our best friend. (Starbucks has my drink memorized as well as my name.)
Come to think of it, we better enjoy college while it lasts. Sooner than we know it, the real world will be here and we’ll be stuck in a nine to five. I wonder what you call senioritis once you graduate?
Trust me, Renee, the senioritis ends when the first paycheck arrives. Nice piece ... detailed, thorough.
I'm a junior and I am definitely loosing steam on this whole "higher education" thing... It helps to have a hobby that has absolutely nothing to do with school.
great post! i have def felt the "senioritis" disease since the beginning of the semester...I am not yet a senior though. I think we all feel a bit of this...its human nature to sometimes just not care about anything. Some weeks I really want to do my best and work it out, and others I just could care less....
oh senioritis! I too am only a junior but I am getting a little tired of the college lifestyle. Don't get me wrong I love waking up late and having few obligations but I can't wait for the day when I don't have to share a bathroom and my apartment is not easily confused with a closet!
ps this is a great blog to pick for the extra credit
yes i hear you all. i have no motivation or care about homework anymore. i'm a senior and it's just so overwhelming sometimes that the only way to get past it is to not care
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