Written by Philip Nigro.
Photo by Rebecca Silvey and Mark Pederson
TA: Christina McAusland
With the growing desire to modify your appearance with younger adults, tattoos and piercings have become more popular but, are not viewed as being professional.
Over the summer, my co-worker had to cover up a rather large tattoo of his family crest on his arm with an ACE bandage. Something not offensive ended up causing more distractions because everyone wanted to know what was under the bandage.
Being a tattoo and piercing recipient, I have to be careful. If I had not gotten my eyebrow ring ripped out, I would have had to remove it. Getting my new ear piercing was a hard decision because I didn’t want it to affect my chances at a job…but I wanted it.
With tattoos and piercings becoming more recognized and acceptable, what makes them so unprofessional? If not an offensive piece of art, the bearers of tattoos and piercings should be able to display their art work no matter what the setting.