Written by Madison Books
Photo by Christie Broadway and Andrew Conrad
TA: Andrell Bower
Times are hard. Or at least that is what the news keeps telling me. Up until recently, this topic has gone in one ear and out the other with me. Yeah, you keep telling me the economy is bad but what does that really mean?
Well now I know. Today, the best measure of the economy for a college student is the price fluctuations at McDonalds and the Liquor Store. For the first time in my life, I have to pay $1.29 for a double-cheeseburger, the figurehead of the Dollar Menu. Times are truly bad. Oh, did I mention a case of Natural Light is over $15.00!! That stuff is supposed to be cheap!! These truly are tough times for the poor unfortunate college student.
What? Apparently i haven't been to McDonalds in a week or so because that's ridiculous. Last time i checked, America was built on the foundation that a double cheeseburger was not to cost more than a dollar. ever. I expected my children's children's children to still pay a dollar for a double cheese... I don't know much about economics or how changing ownership can affect prices, but i do know that i am not happy with In-Bev taking over Anhueser Busch... Thats the other thing i thought would never change...
1.29? That's crazy! There's a McDonald's around my hometown that still advertises the old 15 cent burger. What the good ol' days. And if i drank i would be offended by the price of Natty Light.
I don't eat McDonalds, but that's ridiculous! It's called the DOLLAR menu for a reason! It's not the $1.29 menu. And I totally agree with Anhueser Busch being sold to In-Bev. Busch, the horses, and the beer were American symbols! No more beer horses will be very sad
I totally agree with the author in the fine article. The other day i went to buy a 30-pack of keystone light (it being the cheapest light beer around was the motive of the purchase) and it costs me $16.00! How is a college student going to be able to afford such a weekly lifestyle AND still afford a college education?
I don't go to McDonald's much, but i know that a double cheese burger should not be more that a dollar. I also don't drink Natty, but a case of Bush cost damn near 20 dollars in Columbia. I used to be able to by a case of Bush for 13 dollars. It's true the economy is going down the drain.
wow! Times really are hard real hard.
I feel so young. I will be telling my kids "Back in my day McDonalds had this thing called a Dollar Menu." Oh to be young again.
I am absolutely appalled. How am I supposed add on to my beer belly when the cost of the key factors are sky rocketing. Everybody knows that McDonald's covers up the smell of beer. How am I supposed to hide my drinking from mommy with these outrageous prices.
I eat at McDonnalds all the time on campus and when I saw that the double CHEESEburger had been replaced by the double HAMburger on the dollar menu i was stark raving mad!!!! I mean really Mcdonalds? You have to take off the cheese??
What does cheese cost? Like 4 cents a slice? And thats if you dont buy it in bulk like McDonald's does. I guess I have to carry my own cheese from now on. I will not pay 29 cents for 2 pieces of cheese.
Well I guess I will be going to Wendy's more often. At least they haven't raised their prices on their dollar menu. And when it comes to beer, I am more of a Busch Light man. No nattie for this guy.
I bought a mCchicken the other day thinking the double cheeseburger was the same darn price. I can't believe that. What's next, 6 dollar footlongs?
I can't believe it. What has the world come to?
Since when is a double cheeseburger a $1.29?
That's crazy.
I have a hard time caring much about cheeseburgers and alcohol, but I do empathize somewhat with you young college students. Try feeding children in this economic downturn.
$1.29 for a DOLLAR cheeseburger! That doesnt even make sense. Natty light is supposed to be cheap beer. If it's $15 then you might aswell buy the good beer. The worst part is the government expects everyone to live off minimum wage. Im sorry but $6.50 an hour barely covers the cost of gas to get to my crappy job.
And what about all the people who no longer have jobs? They aren't even getting minimum wage! My father was worried about losing his job, because of the union situation right now. Had Jay Nixon not been elected governor, we would have been in trouble.
WOW! I also realized the price of milk skyrocketed! College students living off campus, at least the males, use milk for basically every meal. Especially since most of the meals are made in microwaves!!
One good thing about times being hard is I can't afford to eat junk food or drink alcohol. So basically I am miserable.
At least gas went back down right?! It may be $1.89 for another whole week so HURRY and fill up your tanks!! McDonalds and beer on the other hand..two things college students live off of, what will we do? How are we supposed to someday raise a family in this type of economy? Im scared...
I'd have to say that you chose the two most used items that college students can relate with. A case of Natty undoubtedly leads to some DOLLAR doublays...not $1.29 Double cheeseburgers. Its preposterous!
This is dumb. The blogger assumes that every college student is an alcoholic-in-training. Also, not everyone wants to drown themselves in the grease of fast food on a daily basis. This blogger has some questionable lifestyle practices. It's called inflation..... deal with it.
I think the blogger was trying to make a point by using something that the readers could relate to. I mean discussing the price of stocks or the downfall of the stock market doesn't really concern most of us yet. Right now our biggest concern is being able to afford a decent living, including food, which is increasing faster in price now than ever
I like MacDon's and Natty so this article hit close to my heart. Next, starbucks will be expensive. Oh wait it already is. Price doesn't matter to college kids because most of them are financed by mommy and daddy. They will still buy what they want. That's why I would love to be a business owner in a college town. No matter what the situation, kids are going to spend money.
The economy is crazy! Not even McDonalds and natural light are safe from the changes in consumer spending habits!!
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